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Programme for Re-Employment Practices: A Roadmap for Employers


The PREPARE programme was launched in 2008 with the aim of providing guidance to companies in implementing re-employment as an integral part of their HR systems preparing for the impending re-employment legislation.


In 2010, the programme was subsequently incorporated as part of the Capability Development Grant, alongside the revision of the ADVANTAGE! Scheme.  The revised ADVANTAGE! had a Capability Development component for SMEs to promote re-employment and an Employability Enhancement component in implementing redesign initiatives to support the recruitment, retention and re-employment of older employees.


The Capability Development Grant was introduced to assist SMEs in defraying some of the costs incurred in putting in place a HR system to implement re-employment measures which include the implementation of an appraisal system, and for their HR or supervisory staff to attend PREPARE.

PREPARE was designed to assist companies and employees in establishing a sustainable and holistic re-employment system.  The two-day workshop comprehensively covered an e-appraisal system and consultancy, along with six integrated modules on strategic resourcing, wage management, performance management, job redesign, workplace health, and re-employment practices.


Universal Stage, in collaboration with other programme partners such as cxSurbana, Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, and Jurong Medical Centre, worked closely with the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) to deliver the programme's objectives.


In March 2013, the PREPARE programme concluded successfully.

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The Challenge

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As part of its efforts to help older employees remain economically productive, the Government enacted re-employment legislation in 2012 to enable more people to continue working beyond the current statutory retirement age of 62, extending it to 65 initially and later to 67.


Companies hence needed to proactively implement re-employment policies as part of their HR systems and adopt good practices outlined in the Tripartite Guidelines on Re-employment of Older Employees.  This will also facilitate the recruitment and retention of older employees.

Our Solutions

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Universal Stage, appointed by ASME, undertook the task of conceptualising, designing, developing and delivering the PREPARE workshop, with the support of Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and NTUC.


Eligible SMEs received a fixed payout of S$10,000 from the Capability Development Grant, allocated across three components to establish a sustainable re-employment system:


  • Sending their HR/supervisory staff to attend PREPARE


  • Implementing a performance appraisal system


  • Completing an audit that fulfills of the adoption and implementation of the key criteria outlined in the Tripartite Guidelines of Re-employment of Older Employees within 2 months



The two-day PREPARE workshop aimed to equip company representatives with the necessary knowledge and competencies to implement a re-employment system in their organisations.  The learning materials given out included relevant policies, procedures, tools, and templates to ensure that participants were supported in the implementation of a sustainable re-employment system after

the workshop.


Following the two-day workshop, companies were also provided with two-months of mentoring assistance from an experienced team with expertise in information technology, medical, human resources processes, project management and an integrated e-performance appraisal system.  This ensured a smooth implementation of the re-employment system on the ground.


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